Wednesday, September 22, 2010

9/11 was for War and Prosperity!

Depending on how many people know this truth depends on how many are blackmailing the United States!The Texas longhorn sign that George Bush and other world leaders use is actually the war God Zues- and a statue made of Gold! The Zues and the woman are also carried on the Euro in which some claim it is the sign of the mark of the beast! For example, Ariel Sharon, who was scheduled to give an address to Israeli support groups in New York City on September 11th, cancelled his plans the day before after being warned. I assume maybe by Bill Krystol, who wrote in this New York Times article "I meant to pay tribute to the Zionists — men like Weizmann and Jabotinsky, Ben-Gurion and Menachem Begin —" See link to his article here! See the Pentagon officials and others who cancelled flights as well here!

Bill Krystol- Project for A New American Century and George W Bush's Department of Defense advisor Richard Perle, also wrote this letter to President Clinton asking him to go to war in Iraq in 1998! See letter here!

Between 1998 and 2003 the Pentagon alone bought more than $100m (£53m) worth of the flat-packed walls from Jimi Heselden, owner of the Segway, which can be found throughout Iraq protecting tanks, helicopters and soldiers, as well as in Afghanistan and the Balkans!

The Iraqi National Congress headed by Ahmed Chalabi was formed many years before 9/11 to over throw Sadaam Hussein!

The defense companies are selling weapons to other countries in order to swindle the US in to buying the upgrades! The upgrades were shown off on 9/11/01! I amsuggesting that the WAR GAMES being played on 9/11 were to show off weapons for sale to those invited!

See Lockheed Martin and Boeings 65 Billion dollar F22 Raptor!

Here is General Electric's $100 billion dollar deal! The radar that cannot be detected!

Since 9/11/01 Pakistan has been given over 10 billion US taxpayor dollars for weapons! See New York Times link here! ISI Chief Lt. General Mahmoud Ahmad arrived in Washington DC on September 4 -- prior to the 9/11 attacks. He met with CIA Director George Tenet, the National Security Council, Pentagon officials, White House officials and specifically Marc Grossman the Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs and a prominent member of the Project for a New American Century.

As ISI General Ahmad was a guest of the CIA on 9/11/01 and returned to Pakistan informing Musharraf that 9/11 was an inside job!

Raytheon 3.3 Billion dollar deal with UAE!

***Here is the info on the Raytheon upgrades that were not detected on 9/11! Pay attention! Mainly what I pulled out of this whole article besides the Raytheon employees that did the upgrades were killed on 9/11 was: The wingspan and tail of the alleged 757 had to have hit the Pentagon and then folded up neatly and went through the neat 16 foot hole, including the two 9 foot diameter jet engines that are over 9 feet in diameter and more or less 16 fee long. Trust me, Houdini could not have pulled that off and not left visible signs of where the wings and tail hit the face of the Pentagon, or made both engines align straight into the hole and be melted down in a low temperature fire..

Below this picture is of the Italian Prime Minister!

Hughes, now Raytheon makes several types of air-to-ground missiles that would blast such a hole through three rings of stuff even tougher than the Pentagon and they are called AGM, or Air-to-Ground Missiles.

Now take a look at this Eurofighter Typhoon with a Raytheon AMRAAM installed in 2002!

Now read this interview regarding the 400 Billion dollar Saudi/Euro deal with Tony Blair, Bandar Bin Sultan (US ambassador for Bush in 2002), and Mustafa Abu Yazid "whom I tracked to Iran with Osama Bin Laden" and the corruption cover up! Here!

This picture below is Abdullah and Putin!

The passengers on the four hijacked flights are shown to have curious connections to the defense company Raytheon, and its Global Hawk pilot-less aircraft program.These are not only the type of people but they are the people that would be assigned to UAV type projects involving Mode 4 IFF and Mode 5 IFF upgrades!

*Stanley Hall (Flight 77) was director of program management for Raytheon Electronics Warfare. One Raytheon colleague calls him "our dean of electronic warfare." [AP, 9/25/01] He did the retrofit of the A-3!

*Peter Gay (Flight 11) was Raytheon's Vice President of Operations for Electronic Systems and had been on special assignment to a company office in El Segundo, Calif. [AP, 9/25/01] He did the retrofit to the A-3!

Raytheon's El Segundo's Electronic Systems division is one of two divisions making the Global Hawk. [ISR Journal, 3/02]

*Kenneth Waldie (Flight 11) was a senior quality control engineer for Raytheon's electronic systems.

*David Kovalcin (Flight 11) was a senior mechanical engineer for Raytheon's electronic systems. [CNN, 9/01]

*Herbert Homer (Flight 175) was a corporate executive working with the Department of Defense. [CNN, 9/01, Northeastern University Voice, 12/11/01]

Raytheon employees with possible links to Global Hawk, can be connected to three of the four flights!

Some of the parts found at the Pentagon have been identified as being from an A-3 Skywarrior and there are only three places that that airplane could have come from: 1.) the USAF graveyard of airplanes in Arizona at Davis Monthan AFB, ; or 2.) the USAF inventory of about 5 or 6 operational A-3 jets that can still fly; or 3.) the fleet of about 12-15 A-3s maintained and operated by Raytheon "Hughes."

April 2001- I believe the US Military intentionally flew our US Navy EP-3 in to the Republic of China to show off High Tech planes knowing they had upgraded the technology with an upgrade of 4 IFF and 5 IFF ;that those in the defense companies and Pentagon knew were upgraded by the Raytheon employees killed! You see on this US Navy EP-3 plane, the Mode 3 IFF transponders (IFF = Identification Friend or Foe) and other Mode 3 and classified stealth and eaves dropping equipment that just happen to be made by Raytheon and a few other Big Defense elites were suddenly in the hands of the Peoples Republic of China! I believe intentionally to make sales!

Chinese Fighter Bumped by U.S. Military Surveillance Plane
2001.04.01 22:56:53

BEIJING, April 1 (Xinhuanet)-- A U.S. military surveillance plane bumped into and damaged a Chinese military jet over the South China Sea Sunday, according to the Chinese Foreign Ministry.
Sunday morning, a U.S. military surveillance plane approached China's airspace south-east of China's island province of Hainan, and two Chinese military jets scrambled to track it, said Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhu Bangzao.
At 9:07 a.m., 104 km south-east of Hainan Island, the U.S. plane suddenly turned towards the Chinese jets, resulting in its bumping into and damaging one of the two Chinese jets, said Zhu.

The Chinese side is very much concerned about the missing Chinese pilot from the crashed jet, and is busily searching for his whereabouts, Zhu said.
Without permission from the Chinese side, the U.S. surveillance plane intruded into China's airspace and made an emergency landing at Lingshui Airport in Hainan at 9:33 a.m., according to the spokesman.

It was normal and in accordance with international practice for Chinese military jets to track the U.S. surveillance plane over China's water areas, Zhu said.
The direct cause of the damage and crash of the Chinese jet was that the U.S. plane suddenly veered into the Chinese jet, which was against flight rule. Therefore, the U.S. side should bear all the responsibility arising therefrom, Zhu said.
The Chinese side has made solemn representations and protested to the U.S. side, and China reserves its right to further negotiate with the U.S.side on the losses resulted in the incident, he said.

China has so far made proper arrangements for all the 24 crew members on board the U.S. plane, Zhu said, adding that China also reserves the right to further negotiate with the U.S. side on the U.S. plane's intrusion into China's airspace and landing at the Chinese airport without permission, Zhu said.
Related link:

Now here is the Raytheon Republic if China Billion dollar deal!

The 757 is operated by a two-person flight crew in a simplified glass cockpit. The 757 is powered by either a Pratt & Whitney PW2037 or a Rolls-Royce RB211-535. The engines are wing mounted on pylons.

Here is Boeings General Electric comparable!

Here is the Raytheon $1 billion dollar Israel deal !

Here is the Lockheed Israel 2.7 billion dollar deal that cannot be detected by radar!

Here is Boeings 5.8 Billion dollar deal in India!

This is what I call a Turkey sandwich!

According to its 2005 annual report, current ATC board members include Brent Scowcroft, the board chairman and former national security adviser for George H. W. Bush and George W Bush; George Perlman of Lockheed Martin; Elizabeth Avery of Pepsico; Ozer Baysal of Pfizer; Andy Button of Boeing; Richard K. Douglas of General Electric; Sherry Grandjean of Sikorsky; John R. Miller of Raytheon; and Selig A. Taubenblatt of Bechtel. ATC’s advisory board also includes representatives of a number of high-powered defense, pharmaceutical, consulting, and technology firms, including General Atomics, United Defense, Motorola, and the Cohen Group. Daniel Pipes is a former ATC board member.

September 11! Turkey! James Bond! NATO! Operation Gladio!

On the morning on 9/11/01 President Bush's Brent Scowcroft was witnessed by many reporters as loitering over the Pentagon as if to witness he attack!See link here! He was in a E-4B as “a truly amazing” aircraft, and the $800 million plane has all of the advanced electronics neededfor world-wide communication. If Air Force One can accurately be described as a flying White House, the E-4B is a substitute Pentagon. The
plane’s electronics cover the full radio spectrum, from extremely low frequency
(ELF) to ultra high frequency (UHF).

This enables the E-4B tocommunicate with all US military commands, world-wide, including tacticaland strategic forces, naval ships, planes, nuclear-armed missiles, even submarines. The plane has as many as 48 different antennae, one of which
is a long wire mounted on a spool at the rear of the plane. When in use, the
wire unreels, dragging a small cone hundreds of feet behind the aircraft. In
short, the E-4B is a state-of-the-art communications platform and can serve
as an airborne command center for all US military forces in a national or
world crisis. The aircraft carries its own electrical-generating plant to power
its electronic hardware, which is also shielded against the damaging electromagnetic
pulse (EMP) effects generated by nuclear explosions.

President George Bush, Brent Scowcroft then flew to Offut Airforce base to attend Warren Bufett's party he was having there! The CEO of Fiduciary Trust also attended the party!

USA Today reports- President Bush named former New Jersey Gov. THOMAS KEAN, a moderate Republican with a record of bipartisan cooperation, to replace Henry Kissinger as head of the panel investigating the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks.
He serves on several corporate boards, including those of the international petroleum company Amerada Hess Corp., the Pepsi Bottling Group and Aramark Corp., which manages food and support services at office buildings, sports arenas and other facilities.
Aramark ran the food court on top of 2 World Trade Center as well as concessions and tours of the observation deck. Several of its employees died in the tower. Also, Kean has long served as director of FIDUCIARY TRUST CO., a financial company that lost 87 employees in the World Trade Center.

Kristen Breitweiser, whose husband died in the trade center Sept. 11 while working for Fiduciary Trust and who is a leader of September 11th Advocates, said about Kean, “Assuming he has no conflicts, I hope he can do the job that needs to be done.”
Breitweiser noted that Fiduciary was a leaseholder of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which would be part of the investigation. -USA Today (12/16/02)

NOW! Karl Max Hammond, who worked for Warren Buffett at Mitre corporation was killed on 9/11/01, because he knew of the "asbestos problems" in the World Trade Center, and he knew General Electric was dumping toxic in to the Hudson river!See Hammond link here! See US Environmental Agency report on GE here!

Richard Kerr Deputy Director of the CIA who has close ties to Heckmatyar now works for Warren Buffet at Mitre corporation!In January 2007 CNN reported that Hekmatyar claimed "that his fighters helped Osama bin Laden escape from the mountains of Tora Bora five years ago." BBC news reported a quote from a December 2006 interview broadcast on GEO TV, "We helped them [bin Laden and Zawahiri] get out of the caves and led them to a safe place. Heckmatyar was in Iran in 2002 where I tracked Osama Bin Laden to!

Now watch here as Frank Sinatra sings High Hopes and exposes the Billion kilowatt plan in front of the Garden of Eden, which many believe is Iraq or Turkey! He died just before 9/11/01! Satan always did want to imitate God! How pathetic! He wanted his own Garden of Eden and he wanted to be the light of the world! General Electric is a Six Sigma! General Electric's Motto is "We bring good things to life." Ratan Tata is often described as India's David Rockefeller. The Bible says the Lord says the Earth is my "footstool"! Bill Gates and Warren Buffett and Hill & Mc Graw serve the Ottoman Empire!

See General Electric and Bayer's 1998 Middle East Rubber deal here! Woops there goes another rubber tree plant!

See here General Electric pays $23 million in fines for bribing Iraqi officials for contracts in Iraq before 9/11/01! Who kills, steals and destroys?

President Obama's US Commerce department taps General Electric and Boeing to the 80 Billion infrastruction in Iraq! September 1, 2010! See link!

Ahmadinejad raising his voice about knowledge of 9/11 being an inside job is just being the spokesman for the following companies to obtain business! It is these companies who want Iran's business who do know the truth about 9/11/01! I think Ahmadinejad only threatened Israel to get Israel to buy weapons!

Cargill Inc., Exxon, Conoco Phillips, Hannover Re, Bechtel Corp., Halliburton Co. and Siemens AG are among more than 20 companies that have lobbied on the proposed sanctions against Iran, according to congressional disclosure forms. See link!

For Goodness sakes ick Cheney's Halliburton was selling Nuclear weapons to Iran! See proof here!

Look at this Bayer built Irans chemical weapons in Qazvin! Bayer is Al Qaeda's biggest employer!

Now see this CNN report on how Betchtel is tied to Osama Bin Laden!

Then for goodness sakes you have to look at Ahmed Chalabi who was being paid by the US before 9/11 to take Sadaam's place, under Bush Sr. while giving info to Iran who is a member of the Bilderberger Group!

In addition, at the same time to Chalabi being paid Ali Mohamed, al qaeda trainer was being paid by the CIA and trained by US Special forces to hi jack planes! Now how many people know about that? Osama Bin laden and Al Zawahiri were his 1st students!

Now take a look at Boeings upgraded E6 B!!!!! Sold to the US Navy!

Now read CIA Director William Casey's statement as he exposes Bill Clinton and the CIA in drug trafficking! Now how many people blackmail over this?

Then there is the child prostitution ring cover up that CIA William Colby helped expose the George H W Bush was involved in! Who is blackmailing over that?

How many people know that Henry Taft was named to the House of the Rising Sun and he was the head of Yale's Skulls and Bones? The Animals House of the Rising Sun was left by the 9/11 terrorist!

On September 11, 2001, Paul McCartney was sitting on a plane in New York when the World Trade Center tragedy occurred in front of his eyes, and he was able to witness the events from his seat.

Deception is a state of mind and the mind of the State. ”
— James Angleton

Jesus of the Bible said which I believe is because of the defense companies "Many will come in my name and say, “I am he!” and they will lead many astray. When you hear of wars and rumours of wars, do not be alarmed; this must take place, but the end is still to come. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there will be earthquakes in various places; there will be famines."

Watch out there are flying PIGS(Portugal, Ireland, Greece & Spain) about! Pink Floyd exposes them in this video in which I believe looks similar to 9/11 many years before 9/11!

Now the corrupt people inside the US government are raising the price of Gold & dropping the US dollar to pay off the fraud that Greece and Goldman Sachs committed, and for the Gold in Saudi Arabia! How many people noticed the General Electric Spider display above in front of the Rockefeller Center just before 9/11/01? They started raising the price of Gold after 9/11 to hurt the dollar and keep the money low in China to funnell the money into HSBC bank in Turkey, who holds the Gold money!

Jesus said in Matthew Do not throw your Pearls to the PIGS or they will turn and attack you!

This little Greek Piggy went to weapons Market!

See Greece Nuclear Missiles Inventory here! I wonder if Greece has been blackmailed to sale their nuclear weapons to our enemies?

Now, how many people are blackmailing who at the tax payors expense that know Shell paid off Roald Dahl's knowledge that water would power automobiles? Just as Daul wrote about in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!

Now, lets move on to Shell oil! Here is Marilyn Monroe!

Now lets look at what the IRS did to Willie Nelson because he knew the truth about Skulls and Bones travelling in time using algorithyms on the stock market to cheat the world out of money!

Willie Nelson-Ain't it funny how time slips away-1997
Uploaded by rikd7. - Watch more music videos, in HD!

Read here what Willie Nelson has to say about bankers and Price Waterhouse!Willie Nelson sued Pricewaterhouse after the IRS took his money and PwC settled with him. I find it interesting that the IRS never went after Pricewaterhouse when they are the ones who handled Willie's money!

Pricewaterhouse also had 5 employees that died on 9/11/01!

The following are PwC audit clients that are part of the FT Global 500, grouped by FT industry:
Aerospace & defence: Raytheon, United Technologies, L-3 Communications Corporation
Automobiles & parts: Goodyear, Toyota Motor, Volkswagen, Peugeot, Robert Bosch GmbH, Ford, Maruti Suzuki
Banks: Afghanistan International Bank, Askari Bank, Bank of America, Bank of China (Hong Kong), Bank of Ireland, Banco Itau, Banco Popular Español, Barclays, Commonwealth Bank, Crédit Agricole, BB&T, BNP Paribas, Banco Bradesco, Commerzbank, Dexia, DnB NOR, Eurobank EFG, Fortis, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Lloyds TSB, Nationwide Building Society, Macquarie Bank, Sanpaolo IMI, SEB, Standard Bank, Westpac Banking Corporation
Beverages: Anheuser-Busch, Miller, SAB
Chemicals: Albemarle, Bayer, E.I. du Pont de Nemours, Praxair, Rohm & Haas
Electricity: RAO UES, Chubu Electric Power, FirstEnergy, Exelon, Unified Energy System, ATCO
Electronic & electrical equipment: Agilent Technologies, Kyocera, LG Philips LCD, Logitech
Fixed line telecommunications: BellSouth, BT Group, Etisalat, KPN, Nippon
Food & drug retailers: Krispy Kreme, Seven & I Holdings Co., Tesco
Food producers: Danone, Kellogg's, Kraft Foods, Unilever, Bunge
Gas, water & multiutilities: Centrica, E.ON, RWE, National Grid plc

As of March 2005, PricewaterhouseCoopers' audit clients included four of the 10 largest public companies in the United States (ExxonMobil, Ford Motor Company, ChevronTexaco and IBM). PwC also audits four of the 10 largest companies in the United Kingdom (GlaxoSmithKline, Royal Dutch Shell, Barclays and Lloyds TSB).

Now read how Pricewaterhouse, George Bush and Mony all tie in together for fraud! See Grand Jury letter warning to Governor George Bush and Pricewaterhouse of fraud cleanup, who President Bush hired anyway!

George Bush has been found guilty of Insider trading before!

The President George H W Bush and his spokesmen have consistently rebutted charges of insider trading by pointing out that the S.E.C. investigated the allegations in the early 1990's and found nothing wrong. This is, at best, a stretch of the truth.
The S.E.C. did open an investigation in 1991. Of course his father, the President, had appointed the head of the S.E.C. and the S.E.C. general counsel (James Doty) was a lawyer who'd previously represented Dubya and would go on to become one of his larger political campaign donors.

The S.E.C. investigators decided that George W. did break the law, but they could not prove that he had acted on non-public information that would materially affect the stock's price. Making the waters even murkier, the S.E.C. did not 'clear' George W. - they chose not to prosecute, and they explicitly said this should not be construed as exoneration. Despite the recent intense scrutiny surrounding the allegations, the President has chosen not to answer questions about the S.E.C. findings and the head of the S.E.C., Harvey Pitt, has said he will not release the S.E.C. documents pertaining to the investigation. Pitt was appointed to his position by George W. Bush.

In addition to everything I have just given you for reasons that the United States is being blackmailed; did you know that Bayer profitted from the Anthrax scare that went along with 9/11? There are reports that they were saved from bankruptcy because of the anthrax scare!In July 2000, Germany's Bayer AG negotiated an unprecedented sole endorsement by the FDA of the antibiotic Cipro for anthrax, despite the drug's high risk, high price, and largely untested status. Shortly thereafter, USA Today reported a study of conflicting interests on the FDA advisory committees endorsing drug policies!

For the advanced investigator who can think, here is how I tracked Osama Bin Laden to Iran!

Last but not least, how many people know about the Rothchild's opium trade in China and their plan to take over the world with wars by dividing and conquering?

Jerri Lynne Dietz

Independent Artist!/profile.php?id=100001340915235

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